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We all have our guilty pleasure songs from the ’80s. Is yours one of the 20 on this list that UltimateClassicRock.com came up with?
1. “Africa”, Toto
2. “We Built This City”, Starship
3. “Jessie’s Girl”, Rick Springfield
4. “Girls Girls Girls”, Motley Crue
5. “Mickey”, Toni Basil
6. “Never Gonna Give You Up”, Rick Astley
7. “Livin’ on a Prayer”, Bon Jovi
8. “Dancing in the Streets”, Mick Jagger and David Bowie
9. “Mr. Roboto”, Styx
10. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”, Wham!
11. “The Final Countdown”, Europe
12. “Physical”, Olivia Newton-John
13. “Sussudio”, Phil Collins
14. “Party All the Time”, Eddie Murphy
15. “You Make My Dreams”, Hall & Oates
16. “Total Eclipse of the Heart”, Bonnie Tyler
17. “Down Under”, Men at Work
18. “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car”, Billy Ocean
19. “Kokomo”, The Beach Boys
20. “Sunglasses at Night”, Corey Hart